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Resolution / Checklist & Date Books
WINTER 2017 QUARTERLY EDITION | Resolution | Checklist & Date Books | 3½" × 5½" | 2 Checklists 1 Date Book
Each 3-Pack of memo books includes one 56-page datebook and two 48-page checklist journals.
A pocket-sized weekly planner and a “to-do list” notebook.
The covers are made from bright, beautiful Cyan, Red, and White 80#C Vellum paper from Mohawk, stamped with matte Crown foils.
The inside pages are a very light gray 60#T Domtar Earth Choice printed with white and medium gray inks. The Checklist Journals are subtly ruled with contrasting white/gray blocks and a “Slot Screw-Head Device” at the start of each line for marking completed and partially completed tasks. The Date Book displays one week on each page. Together, the two formats can be used in any number of ways as a complete and portable planning system. There’s no single “correct” system for filling in the “screw-heads,” we left it as flexible as possible, and we can’t wait to see how you use it.