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Three Missions / 3-pack
SUMMER 2018 QUARTERLY EDITION | Three Missions | Graph Paper | 3½" × 5½" | Includes Crew Capsule Models
Each 3-pack consists of three Memo Books, one each for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs. These notebooks are full of facts and figures. The covers feature dramatic photographs of iconic moments from those missions, printed in full process color, plus “Orbital Silver” metallic ink and an aqueous coating. The insides are Finch Opaque 60#T white graph paper with the rules printed in an extremely light “Firmament Gray” ink. Those pages will be helpful in planning a summer picnic, or calculating optimal orbital trajectories and eccentricities.
Simulators for 1:50-Scale Astronauts
Additionally, you’ll notice these 3-Packs come in a slightly larger package than usual. That’s because each set also contains three “Punch-Out and Assemble” Mission-Specific Crew Capsule Models – for fun and education.
Now keep in mind that these models will not survive reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, probably won’t float after splashdown and are unlikely to earn you a ticker-tape parade.
As they researched these books, they were constantly and dramatically reminded of the truly monumental achievements of the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo scientists, support and crew members. Field Notes thanks goes out to them, and also the current staff at NASA and the JPL. Let’s go back to the moon – and beyond!